My name appears in the list of world’s top 2% scientists
The lastest list of world’s top 2% scientists was published on October 4, 2023, which published top 100,000 scientists by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above in the sub-field. This is also known as the Stanford ranking. Details on the method is available here:
The list includes two versions: first, based on the whole career of scholars, and second, based on the year 2022. My name appeared in the second list for the first time this year.
- In the rank based on composite c-score excluding self-citation, I appear in 55882 out of the 100,000 world’s scientists.
- Among only Norwegian scientists in the list, I appear in 320 out of 1188 Norwegian scientists in the full list.
- There are 12 scientists in the list from the University of South-Eastern Norway, and I appear in the 5th.
- In the sub-field Logistics and Transportation, I appear in 183 in the world.
- There are six scholars in the Logistics and Transportation sub-field list from Norway, and I appear in the 3rd.
I am delighted to be included in the list, and this serves as great motivation for continiously improving my research.