For better understanding it is suggested that you start watching from the first video in the playlist and move forward sequentially.

Philosophy of Science | Four Major Paradigms

Types of Variables: Dependent, Independent, Moderating, Mediating & Control Variable

Survey Questionnaire Design Using Google Forms

Data Cleaning (1): Interviewer Fraud

Data Cleaning (2): Suspicious response

Data Cleaning (3): Data Entry Errors

Measurement Scales | Choice of Appropriate Graphs and Statistics

What Is Normal Distribution?

Choosing A Statistical Test Based On Your Data And Research Question

How To Choose The Best Regression Model? (Linear, logistic, multinomial, ordinal or probit)

Five assumptions of linear regression

What is Linearity?

What is Homoskadesticity? (& heteroskedasticity)

What is Autocorrelation?

Linear regression concept | OLS (everything you need to know)

Literature Review Matrix | Assoc Prof Ziaul H. Munim

Four mixed-methods study designs